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Content Protection Measures


At RANGSEYhome, we are committed to protecting the intellectual property rights of our content creators and ensuring that our users have access to high-quality content. To maintain the integrity of our platform and support our content creators, we've implemented certain protection measures on our website. These measures are designed to prevent unauthorized copying, distribution, or modification of our content.


  • Text Selection Restriction: In some sections of our website, we may disable the ability to select and copy text. This is to prevent the unauthorized reproduction of our content.
  • Right-Click Limitation: We may also limit the functionality of the right-click option to prevent users from downloading or copying our content.
  • Shortcut Key Restriction: We may also restrict the use of certain shortcut keys, such as Ctrl + C for copying, Ctrl + S for saving, and Ctrl + U for viewing the source code, to prevent users from bypassing our content protection measures.
  • Browser Extension Restriction: We may restrict the use of certain browser extensions that could be used to bypass our content protection measures.


These measures are necessary to protect the rights of our content creators and ensure that our users have access to the best possible experience on our website. By preventing the unauthorized use of our content, we can maintain the quality of our platform and ensure that our content creators are fairly compensated for their work.


Q: Why have these protection measures been implemented?
A: These measures have been implemented to protect the intellectual property rights of our content creators and ensure that our users have access to high-quality content.

Q: Which functionalities have been restricted?
A: We have restricted text selection, right-clicking, the use of certain browser extensions, and shortcut keys such as Ctrl + C, Ctrl + S, and Ctrl + U.

Q: Why can't I select text on some parts of the website?
A: We've disabled text selection in certain sections of the website to prevent unauthorized copying of our content.

Q: Why can't I right-click on certain elements?
A: We've limited the functionality of the right-click option to prevent users from downloading or copying our content.

Q: Why can't I use shortcut keys like Ctrl + C, Ctrl + S, or Ctrl + U?
A: We've restricted the use of these shortcut keys to prevent users from bypassing our content protection measures.

Q: Why am I being asked to disable my browser extension?
A: Some browser extensions can bypass our content protection measures, so we may ask you to disable them while using our website.

Q: Will these restrictions impact my experience on the website?
A: These restrictions may cause some inconvenience, but they are necessary to maintain the integrity of our content and support our content creators. We've tried to minimize the impact on the user experience while still providing an effective level of protection.


We understand that these measures may cause some inconvenience, but they are necessary to maintain the integrity of our content and support our content creators. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


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ACCD,1,Ajahn Sumedho,5,Contend With Myself,4,Coursework,1,DoIT-MoI,34,Donald J. Trum,2,Dyna KIM,1,E-បណ្ណាល័យ,4,eLibrary,1,English,46,ent: Jokes,1,ent: Poems,1,ent: Stories,1,Entertainment,1,Extracted From Facebook,2,Facebook,1,Fight With Myself,1,Google Sheets,6,Knowledge,3,kwl: Reviews,1,kwl: Tips,1,lan: English,51,lan: Khmer,1,Moral Stories,1,News,2,nws: Global,1,nws: Local,1,Quotes,1,rac: hide,1,Rangsey HENG,1,Rhonda Byrne,1,Robert I. Kiyosaki,2,Steve Jobs,1,tag: hi,1,tag: ភាសាខ្មែរ,1,Testimonials,3,Thich Nhat Hanh,15,Uncategorized,2,កំណត់ហេតុ,335,កំណាព្យ,36,កម្សាន្ត,37,ការតែងនិពន្ធ,8,កិច្ចការសាលា,30,កេង-វ៉ាន់សាក់,3,កែម-ឡី,42,ក្របសៀវភៅ,13,គង់-ប៊ុនឈឿន,3,គំនិតនិងទស្សនៈ,18,គន្លឹះ,4,គបផ សាស្ត្រា,12,គយ-សារុន,2,គាំង-សុភា,1,គីម-ឌីណា,2,ងិន-ភេន,2,ចក់-ឫទ្ធី,1,ចំណេះដឹង,51,ច័ន្ទ-សំណព្វ,2,ច័ន្ទ-ឫទ្ធី,2,ចាន់-ពិសុទ្ធ,3,ឈុន-សំណាង,2,ឈ្លោះនឹងខ្លួនឯង,39,ញ៉េប-សែ,1,ទិវាជាតិអំណាន,1,ទុត-បូ,98,ធីតាឯកសង្ក្រាន្ត,1,នូ-ហាច,3,នួន-ពេជ្រស៊ូដេនី,2,ប៊ុត-សាវង្ស,8,បេតិកភណ្ឌ,3,ផលព្រឹក្ស,29,ព័ត៌មាន,23,ពិព័រណ៍សៀវភៅកម្ពុជា,18,ព្រះពុទ្ធដីកា,3,ភេ-និមល,1,យិន-លួត,2,យូណេស្កូ,3,រម្លឹករឿងចាស់,10,រូបភាព,2,រឿង,59,រឿងកំប្លែង (កែម-ឡី),19,រឿងបុរសពាក់អាវសតែចិត្តខ្មៅ,19,រៀនពាក្យខ្មែរ,99,រៀនពាក្យថ្មី,2,រៀនអង់គ្លេស,1,លី-សុវីរ,3,វិវេចនា,1,វីដេអូ,20,សមាគមអក្សរសិល្ប៍ នូ ហាច,8,សម្ដេចព្រះមហាឃោសនន្ទ,13,សុខ-ចាន់ផល,9,សុខ-ប្រីម,1,សុគន្ធ-នីសា,1,សុទ្ធ-បូផា,2,សូក្រាត,2,សៀវភៅ,3,សៀវភៅនិងការអាន,172,សេង-ច័ន្ទមុនីរតន៍,1,សេង-ឌីណា,1,សោន-វណ្ណៈ,1,ស្រង់ពីហ្វេសប៊ុក,105,ហេង-រស្មី,2,ហ្សង់-ហ្វ្រង់ស័រ តាន់,2,អំពីផ្ទះរង្សី,3,អាចារ្យ ឆា,6,អានម្ដងទៀត,1,អ៊ឹម-រជ្ជនី,1,
RANGSEYhome ― Rangsey P. HENG
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