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YouTube Playlist: Jayamangala Gatha (Verses of Joyous Victory)


The Jaya Mangala Gatha is a chant recommended by the Buddha to destroy negativity and to generate auspiciousness. It proclaims the 8 major v...

The Jaya Mangala Gatha is a chant recommended by the Buddha to destroy negativity and to generate auspiciousness. It proclaims the 8 major victories of the Buddha which are:
  1. Victory over Mara
  2. Victory over the demon Alavaka
  3. Victory over the wild elephant Nalagiri
  4. Victory over serial killer Angulimala
  5. Victory over the evil intentions of Cinca who sought to defame
  6. Victory over the haughty brahmin Saccaka
  7. Victory over the serpent king Nandopananda
  8. Victory over the false views of Brahma Baka

The Pāḷi Text of Jayamangala Gatha
  1. Bāhuṃ sahassamabhinimmita sāyudhantaṃ,
    Girimekhalaṃ udita ghora sasena māraṃ.
    Dānādi dhamma vidhinā jitavā Munindo,
    Taṃ tejasā bhavatu te jayamaṅgalāni.
  2. Mārātirekaṃ abhiyujjhita sabbarattiṃ,
    Ghorampan’aḷavakam akkhamathaddhayakkhaṃ.
    Khantīsudantavidhinā jitavā Munindo,
    Taṃ tejasā bhavatu te jayamaṅgalāni.
  3. Nāḷāgiriṃ gajavaraṃ atimattabhūtaṃ.
    Dāvaggicakkaṃ asanīva sudāruṇantaṃ.
    Mettambusekavidhinā jitavā Munindo,
    Taṃ tejasā bhavatu te jayamaṅgalāni.
  4. Ukkhittakhaggaṃ atihatta sudāruṇantaṃ,
    Dhāvanti Yojanapath’angulimālavantaṃ.
    Iddhī’bhisaṅkhatamano jitavā Munindo,
    Taṃ tejasā bhavatu te jayamaṅgalāni.
  5. Katvāna kaṭṭhaṃ udaraṃ iva gabbhinīyā,
    Ciñcāya duṭṭhavacanaṃ janakāya majjhe.
    Santena somavidhinā jitavā Munindo,
    Taṃ tejasā bhavatu te jayamaṅgalāni.
  6. Saccam vihāya matisaccaka vādaketuṃ,
    Vādābhiropitamanaṃ ati andhabhūtaṃ.
    Paññāpadīpajalito jitavā Munindo,
    Taṃ tejasā bhavatu te jayamaṅgalāni.
  7. Nandopānanda bhujagaṃ ibhudhaṃ mahiddhiṃ,
    Puttena therabhujagena damapayanto.
    Iddh’ūpadesa vidhinā jitavā Munindo,
    Taṃ tejasā bhavatu te jayamaṅgalāni.
  8. Duggāhadiṭṭhibhujagena sudaṭṭha hatthaṃ
    Brahmaṃ visuddhi jutimiddhi Bakābhidhānaṃ.
    Ñāṇāgadena vidhinā jitavā Munindo,
    Taṃ tejasā bhavatu te jayamaṅgalāni.
  9. Etāpi Buddha jayamaṅgala aṭṭhagāthā,
    Yo vācako dine dine sarate matandī,
    Hitvāna nekavividhāni c’upaddavāni,
    Mokkhaṃ sukhaṃ adhigameyya naro sapañño.
Translation of Jayamangala Gatha
  1. Māra, the Evil One, assuming a fierce form with a thousand arms each brandishing a deadly weapon, stormed forward roaring, accompanied by his formidable hosts and riding on his elephant, Girimekhala. Him the Sovereign Sage conquered by evoking the might of his exalted perfection of giving, among others. By this might triumph may joyous victory be yours!
  2. Even more fiendish than Māra was Āḷavaka, the impetuous and haughty yakkha who fought a night long battle with the Lord. Him the sovereign Sage conquered through enduring patience flowing out of his unequalled self-mastery. By this mighty triumph may joyous victory be yours!
  3. Provoked to run amok, Nāḷāgiri, the king tusker, like a raging forest fire murderously assailed all in his path, and struck such terror as would Indra’s thunderbolt, the irresistible destroyer. Him the Sovereign Sage tamed by sprinkling over him the cooling water of all-embracing love. By this mighty triumph may joyous victory be yours!
  4. With sword upraised in expert hands did the savage robber, Aṅgulimāla, pursue the Lord for a full three leagues. Him the Sovereign Sage conquered by his supernatural powers. By this mighty triumph may joyous victory be yours!
  5. Posing as a pregnant woman by tying a piece of wood on her belly, Ciñcā falsely accused with lewd words in the midst of a devout congregation. Her the Sovereign Sage subdued through his imperturbable serenity. By this mighty triumph may joyous victory be yours!
  6. With his perverted intelligence the wandering mendicant, Saccaka, invariably distorted the truth. Pretending to be the very banner of learning, he only blinded his own mental vision as he went about indulging in intellectual disputation. Him the sovereign Sage conquered by his illuminating lamp of wisdom. By this mighty triumph may joyous victory be yours!
  7. The gifted but perverted king of the Nāgas, Nandopānanda by name, possessed great psychic power and was hostile. By instructing the Elder Moggallāna, his spiritual son, mighty in supernatural attainments, the Sovereign Sage rendered the Nāga king powerless and transformed him. Thus, through a supernormal mode of spiritual instruction intelligible to his kind, did the Master conquer the Nāga. By this mighty triumph may joyous victory be yours!
  8. Though a deity of great purity, radiance and power, Baka, the Brahma god, was nevertheless in the grip of pernicious views, like an arm tightly held by a snake's coils. Him the Sovereign Sage cured by means of wisdom. By this mighty triumph may joyous victory be yours!
  9. Whoso, day after day, without lethargy, recites and recollects these eight hymns of the Exalted One's glorious triumphs — that wise man, having overcome many and diverse obstacles, would attain to the bliss of deliverance.
Verses Translated by Ācariya Buddharakkhita
Link: http://tiny.cc/jayamangalagatha


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RANGSEYhome ― Rangsey P. HENG: YouTube Playlist: Jayamangala Gatha (Verses of Joyous Victory)
YouTube Playlist: Jayamangala Gatha (Verses of Joyous Victory)
RANGSEYhome ― Rangsey P. HENG
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